
Star Raiders

A Lobby system


This little demo showcases a login and lobby system build in c# (servers) and c++(clients) where you can chat, create games, change ready status, kick players... The servers are interconnected and there is no limit to the amount of game server, database servers or login servers, the login servers will act as the main point of contact for the players which will be then redirected to the correct server they wish to play on. The libraries used to create the clients are SFML as a game engine, TGUI as a GUI assistance on SFML, OpenSSL for client SSL sockets and msgpack for message serialization.

This project has the following features:

  • Asynchronous server socket handling to increase performance
  • Login System with a queue to balance the load
  • Support for multiple game servers
  • Encryption over the servers and clients to keep data secure
  • Usage of msgpack to serialize and compress the data to transfer over the network
  • Chat system
  • List of all games
  • Creation with minimum elo requirement
  • Match ownership and player kicking


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