
VR Rpg Experience


VR Rpg Experience created in Unity3D, this small project has a medium size map that can be explored together with a Spell system and a Weapon Attack System.
The spell system uses a neural network to analyse the runes drawn in the air and classify it so that later if the correct combination has been detected allow the user to cast a spell at enemies or random positions. The neural network has been trained with some data already allowing the users to test the system out without needing to wait. The accuracy of the network is not very high, with an accuracy of 70-80% however, this can be increased by getting more train data from different users.
The attack systems with weapons use different information gathered over the last frames when hitting an enemy to calculate damage; Some of the data that will be taken into consideration is the max velocity, velocity when entering the body, velocity when exiting the body (if the user exits), swing angle. This data is then applied to the base damage of the weapon to get the end damage.



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