
Petric Marcinkowski

Software/Games Developer

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About Me

I am Petric, a passionate games developer and gamer. My interest in game development and computing started at a very young age and I pursued this interest to where I am now. Starting at the age of 14 I played around with Java, learning it and developing small mods/plugins for Minecraft where my interest in coding and game development started to grow day by day.

With some of my early stages in coding, I tried a lot of stuff around networking, such as a java server communicating with a PHP site, I have a strong interest in the networking part of a game and want to continue to develop this area and further increase my knowledge and skills.
I do also have a large interest in Virtual Reality, as it opens up new possibilities to create immersive games and had hands-on on some small scale projects to try this technology out at my university.
As for games, entangled with my networking interest, I have an interest in MMO games with sci-fi and/or fantasy theme such as World of Warcraft, Star Citizen, Final Fantasy XIV, EVE Online.

I am fluent in 3 languages: German, Spanish and English; I was born in Germany, but at a young age (around 8 years old), I moved to Spain where I spend 7 years of my life finishing my primary school and secondary school studies, now I live in the UK, where I currently study BSc(Hons) Computer Games Programming course at Teesside Unversity.

Currently in the last year of my studies at Teesside University, I am looking for a challenging graduate position where I can apply what I learned so far, and continue to develop my skills in this sector.


Teesside University Intern

VR UIX/Main programmer

I worked as the lead programmer in a VR project tasked to re-build an archaeological site of how it may have looked some time ago.


University of Teesside
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Sept 2016 - Sept 2019

Bachelor of Science in Computer Games Programming


VR - Rpg Experience

This is a small VR experience where the user will be able to use a gesture recognition system using neural networks to cast spells and attack enemies.

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Defend the Relic - Simple Networking Shooter

A simple, 2vs2 multiplayer shooter game, with the server implemented in elixir and the client in C++11. Featuring encryption and server search in a Local area network (LAN) using UDP Broadcast.

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Lobby and server selection system

A multiplayer login and lobby system for any game. Using at least 3 servers, where one will act as a database, one as the login manager and another one (but not limited to 1) as the game server. Users will have the ability to register/login and then select the server they want to joint (out of all the game servers). The servers are developed using C# and the client in c++.

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The Unknown Etiam - Game Engine

Tasked by the University, we needed to create a 2D Game engine from scratch and generate a demo using this engine. We were given only an in-house library, made by the module leader that abstracted some of the functionality away from us.

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Switch Switch - WoW Addon

A personal project is written in Lua as an addon for the game: World of Warcraft. This addon will present the user with a new UI to store talents information and allow them to quickly change between these talents sets. It can also be configured to prompt when entering instances to change talents if the user is in the incorrect mode.

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OpengGL - View Frustum Culling

A simple project written in C++ in which I generate a terrain using height maps, displacement maps, noise and 2 bezier curves. Then applying view frustum culling and AABB to only render what is really needed.

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Class Halls Account Reporter - WoW Addon

A personal project is written in Lua as an addon for the game: World of Warcraft. This addon will present the user with a new UI to show locally stored information about each of the characters they got.

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OpenGl - Instantiated Rendering

A simple project written in C++ in which I use OpenGl and GLSL to draw sponza using instantiated rendering.

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